Vidéos en français authentique - Liste
Part of French Courses | Practice Your French
Click on any French course below and discover a video to improve your French this week. Happy French from Anne!
Juste Une Vidéo en français Authentique
Clear and Authentic French
Understanding French Videos
Step Dictations
Shuffle - Méli-Mélo
10 Erreurs
Exam Cram
À l’écoute
À Tout Va
Bandes-Annonces - Movie Trailers - Very Advanced
These self-paced videos are designed to help you meet your educational goals. They will help you better understand concepts from lessons, prepare for tests, and improve your French. Most videos are 2 minutes or less, so you get the information you need in a fast and fun format. All videos are accompanied by a lesson with the script, the translation and almost all lessons have practice and answers. They are designed so you study any one given video for a week. Browse or filter through the videos below to find one you want to preview, and stick with it for at least 5 days in a row, with the guidance of the companion lesson. See for yourself why so many students all over the world use French Hour.
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