Homepage Forums About French Remonter la pente

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anne 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    William Reith

    Gargle Translate tells me that this phrase would be translated as Go back up the slope, and I gather it means “Try again”, “Keep trying”, something like that. Is there a better interpretation of this idiomatic phrase?




    Yes, Bill, that’s what it means. And also ‘to get back on one’s feet’.
    -J’ai eu des problèmes de trésorerie, mais je suis en train de remonter la pente là.
    -I’ve been having cash flow problems, but I am recovering right now.
    I hope that helps.
    Anybody else with a suggestion or a question?


    William Reith

    Can it be used in the sense of “I’ve been sick, but I am getting better”?



    Oui, on peut dire “J’étais (bien) malade, mais je remonte la pente maintenant.”



    Plusieurs expressions figurées pour “remonter la pente” dans ce sens
    Several metaphorical expressions for “remonter la pente” for that meaning
    -Il va falloir remonter la pente après l’accident.
    -Elle n’a pas encore remonté la pente après son échec au bac.
    -Ça va être très dur de remonter la pente après le licenciement.

    I love your question, Bill. Merci de l’avoir publiée.

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