Level 1 - Beginner Courses
Beginner’s French
Conjugated verbs
single payment of $14.99
Free For All
French Culture
single payment of $15.00
French expressions
single payment of $10.50
French Homophones
single payment of $11.45
French Intonation
single payment of $6.25
French Politics
single payment of $
23.15 15.5French Pronunciation
single payment of $
14.52 9.5French Trivia
single payment of $17.98
French wine
single payment of $11
Halloween and La Toussaint
single payment of $11.75
Masculine and Feminine in French
single payment of $
15 5Plural in French
single payment of $7
Quick Proficiency Test
Sample Course
Test Your French - Proficiency Test
single payment of $16.25
single payment of $13
Vocabulary Lists
single payment of $18.50
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