Homepage Forums About French ON agreement

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Anne 9 months ago.

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    Michael writes:
    Anne – Why is it “on est partants” with an s pluralizing to go with the pronoun “on” which implies us but technically a singular pronoun? I would have thought it would make more sense to be “on est partant”. What I don’t understand is why is there an s in the example under the picture in the sentence “on est partants.”. by this rule should it not be “on est partant”. ? Thanks, Anne.
    Michael Stechison
    Anne answers:
    Yes Michael,”partants” acts as a verbal adjective. As an adjective, it takes the gender and number of the pronoun ON. In your sentence, ON represents a masculin-plural. As a result, the adjective PARTANTS is also masculin-plural.
    présent: je suis partant/e, nous sommes partants/es, on est partants/es
    Let me know if you’d like more info on this.

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