Cours de Niveau 3
Part of French Courses by Level
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In this section, you will find courses for the advanced French student. Enroll in the courses of your choice all the lessons aiming at levels DALF C1 and C2.
Enroll in the courses of your choice to unlock its lessons with your free trial membership. That’s the way to start learning French. If you want to give the site a try first, look for lessons that say FREE (or that are clickable in the course syllabus column). They are free access for everyone, even non-enrolled students.
Étudier avec des vidéos de français authentique
Vocabulary - Vocabulaire
- French Homophones
- Practice French Expressions
- It’s so French! - French Structures
- French Headaches and Difficulties
Grammar - Grammaire
- French Pronouns
- French Prepositions
- French Verbs and their Prepositions
- Passé Simple
- Practice French Conjugations
- It’s About Time
Practice - Entraînez-vous
You might also like - Vous aimerez peut-être aussi
- Reading French Litterature
- French Trivia - Free Lesson
- Short Test: Quick Proficiency Test - Free lesson
- Longer Test: Test Your French - Proficiency Test
- Visit France
- French Recipes
We offer loads of fun free practice and high-quality French lessons based on authentic French. Take your first French course today!
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