La partie gratuite de French Hour
Anne publishes 2 free blogs on a regular basis. A lot more is free throughout the site. See below.
Today’s French
Mots Du Jour
Today’s French lessons are published frequently. They are excerpts of French Hour full lessons. They feature the essentials of that lesson so you have a pretty good idea of what Anne’ material is like. They’re designed as a short daily practice. And, they are free! Here is the alphabetical order list of Today’s French
Mot Du Jour lessons are random French expressions explained almost daily and put in context. Click to further your French practice that day. Here is the alphabetical order list of Mots Du Jour
Explore the free material, lessons and courses that Anne offers on the site before you choose your membership.
Also free on the site
Free Sample Lessons – Lessons taken from different courses on the site so you get an idea of the wealth of material French Hour offers
Quick Proficiency Test – Check where you’re at in French
Étudier – Study – Learning How to Learn French – French study skills, what do to with what material, tips and useful links to study French, and more.
Le Blogue – Weekly newsletter with tons of freebies
And you’ll find free lessons in all the premium courses. ANY lesson in bold text in all the courses is free access. Enjoy them!
French Hour is a member-based course site, so choose your plan and start learning.
And if you liked the free goodies, Anne’s well-detailed worksheets are a lot more comprehensive, with practice for you to check your knowledge in French. Find all the courses here.
We offer loads of fun free practice and high-quality French lessons based on authentic French. Take your first French course today!
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