-IR and -OIR verbs - French Present Tense

Verbes qui se terminent en -IR and -OIR – Le présent en français
Part of Level 1 | French Present Tense
–IR and –OIR verbs in the present tense follow numerous patterns that can be learned by practicing a lot. That’s the only deal with conjugations in French. I don’t know of any other way to learn them. Practice, repeat, review.
This lesson walks you through the conjugation of all verbs or verb patterns ending in –IR and –OIR. Don’t try to do them all at once. Rather pick a verb or verb type a week and practice a lot. Click on the drop-down lists to find out the rules.
About Stems: You’ll see the word ‘STEM’ in this lesson. Sometimes, the stem is called the root or the beginning of a verb. In French the stem is ‘la racine’. It’s always good to know the stem of a verb, and it’s generally super easy to know what the stem is.
The STEM is the infinitive verb without the ending. In our case, the endings are –IR or–OIR. As a result, the stem is: CHOIS(ir), FIN(ir)…
- Ils choisissent la statuette. — They’re choosing the figurine.
- Ils finissent leurs courses. — They’re finishing their errands.
Most –IR verbs – General rules
Most –IR verbs - Most verbs ending in –IR have the following endings added to the stem:
je STEM–is
tu STEM–is
elle STEM–it
il STEM–it
on STEM–it
nous STEM–issons
vous STEM–issez
ils STEM–issent
elles STEM–issent
In context
- Il obéit au chef. …. He follows the chef’s orders.
- Je finis le gâteau. …. I am finishing the cake.
- Nous choisissons un hôtel dans le 6ième arrondissement. …. We are choosing a hotel in the 6th arrondissement.
- Ils réfléchissent à l’offre. …. They are thinking about the offer.
The 10 most common verbs in this category are
- choisir …. to choose
- finir …. to finish
- grandir …. to get bigger
- obéir …. to follow so.’s order, to obey
- punir …. to punish
- réfléchir …. to think about, to ponder
- remplir …. to fill
- réunir …. to gather, to join, to reunite
- réussir …. to succeed
- saisir …. to seize, to type in
Verbs like VENIR & TENIR
Verbs like VENIR & TENIR - The E becomes IE except in the nous and vous forms as well as the endings in general.
je viens
tu viens
elle vient
il vient
on vient
nous venons
vous venez
ils viennent
elles viennent
In context
- Ils viennent diner dimanche. …. They are coming for dinner tonight.
- Elles tiennent la chaise. …. They are holding the chair.
- J’appartiens à ce club. …. I belong to that club.
- Nous maintenons la maison. …. We’re maintaining the house.
- Ça ne le retient pas. …. It doesn’t keep it back.
The 10 most common verbs in this category are
- appartenir …. to belong to
- devenir …. to become
- maintenir …. to maintain
- obtenir …. to get, to obtain
- parvenir …. to attain, to reach
- retenir …. to keep, to hold back, to remember
- revenir …. to come back
- se souvenir de …. to remember
- tenir …. to hold
- venir …. to come
Verbs in –TIR, -MIR & -VIR
Verbs in –TIR, -MIR & -VIR have the following endings added to the first part of the verb, not necessarily the stem.
je XXX–s
tu XXX–s
elle XXX–t
il XXX–t
on XXX–t
nous XXX–tons, –mons, –vons
vous XXX–tez, –mez, –vez
ils XXX–tent, –ment, –vent
elles XXX–tent, –ment, –vent
In context
- Il part demain à Bordeaux. …. He leaves for Bordeaux tomorrow.
- On dort toujours bien ici. …. We always sleep well here.
- Tu sers à manger quand ? …. When are you serving dinner/lunch?
- Elles sortent tout à l’heure. …. They are going out soon.
The 10 most common verbs in this category are
- dormir …. to sleep
- mentir …. to lie
- partir …. to leave
- ressentir …. to feel emotionally
- ressortir …. to go out again
- s’endormir …. to fall asleep
- se servir de …. to use
- sentir …. to smell, to feel
- servir …. to serve
- sortir …. to go out, to exit
Verbs like OUVRIR
Verbs like OUVRIR have the following endings added to the stem:
je STEM–e
tu STEM–es
elle STEM–e
il STEM–e
on STEM–e
nous STEM–ons
vous STEM–ez
ils STEM–ent
elles STEM–ent
In context
- Elle ouvre la porte du château. …. She opens the castle door.
- Nous offrons toujours un cadeau. …. We always offer a present.
- On cueille des fleurs. …. We are picking flowers.
- Elles souffrent du mal du pays. …. They are homesick.
There are 8 verbs in this category that are common:
- accueillir …. to welcome, to host
- couvrir …. to cover
- cueillir …. to pick
- découvrir …. to discover
- offrir …. to offer
- ouvrir …. to open
- recouvrir …. to cover entirely
- souffrir …. to suffer
Verbs like COURIR
Verbs like COURIR have the following endings added to the stem:
je STEM–s
tu STEM–s
elle STEM–t
il STEM–t
on STEM–t
nous STEM–ons
vous STEM–ez
ils STEM–ent
elles STEM–ent
In context
- On court toujours. …. We are running all the time.
- Vous secourez qui dans votre assoce ? …. Who do you assist in your organization?
- Ils parcourent le texte. …. They go over the text.
There are only three common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- courir …. to run
- parcourir …. to go over, to tour
- secourir …. to help, to assist
Verbs like FUIR
Verbs like FUIR have the following endings added to the stem. Note the Y in the NOUS and VOUS forms:
je STEM–s
tu STEM–s
elle STEM–t
il STEM–t
on STEM–t
nous STEM–yons
vous STEM–yez
ils STEM–ent
elles STEM–ent
In context
- On fuit toujours. …. We are always fleeing. [spoken]
- Nous fuyons toujours. …. We are always fleeing.
Two verbs in this category for you to remember:
- se/fuir …. to flee/one another
- s’enfuir/de …. to escape, to run away
Verbs like VOIR work like FUIR (above). They have the following endings added to the stem (verb without –R). Note the Y in the NOUS and VOUS forms:
je STEM–s
tu STEM–s
elle STEM–t
il STEM–t
on STEM–t
nous STEM–yons
vous STEM–yez
ils STEM–ent
elles STEM–ent
In context
- On voit toujours la montagne. …. We always see the mountain.
- Vous voyez qui dans votre assoce ? …. Who do you see in your organization?
Three common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- prévoir …. to plan ahead, to foresee
- revoir …. to see again
- voir …. to see
Verbs like ACQUÉRIR
Verbs like ACQUÉRIR – take off –ÉRIR from the infinitive form to get the stem. They have the following endings added to the stem:
je STEM–iers
tu STEM–iers
elle STEM–iert
il STEM–iert
on STEM–iert
nous STEM–érons
vous STEM–érez
ils STEM–ièrent
elles STEM–ièrent
In context
- On acquiert toujours des antiquités. …. We are always acquiring antiques.
Verbs in this category for you to remember:
- acquérir …. to acquire
- conquérir …. to conquer
- enquérir …. to inquire
- reconquérir …. to conquer again
- requérir …. to ask, to demand
MOURIR – to die – beats on its on drum. It is an irregular verb in the present tense. Watch the NOUS and VOUS forms that are different from the rest of the conjugation: the EU becomes OU.
je meurs
tu meurs
elle meurt
il/ça meurt
on meurt
nous mourons
vous mourez
ils meurent
elles meurent
In context
- Il meurt à la fin. …. It dies at the end.
- Nous mourons de faim. …. We are dying of hunger.
HAÏR – to hate – beats on its on drum. It is an irregular verb in the present tense. Watch the –ss and the “tréma” over the Ï in the plural forms.
je STEM–s
tu STEM–s
elle STEM–t
il STEM–t
on STEM–t
nous STEM–ïssons
vous STEM–ïssez
ils STEM–ïssent
elles STEM–ïssent
In context
- Il la hait. …. He hates her.
- Ils la haïssent. …. They hate her.
Verbs like VOULOIR — Note that the NOUS and VOUS forms are different from the rest of the conjugation:
je veux
tu veux
elle veut
il/ça veut
on veut
nous voulons
vous voulez
ils veulent
elles veulent
In context
- On veut toujours voir la montagne. …. We always want to see the mountain.
- Vous voulez qui ? …. Who do you want?
Two common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- vouloir …. to want
- pouvoir …. to be able to, can
Verbs like ÉMOUVOIR — Note that the NOUS and VOUS forms are different from the rest of the conjugation:
tu émeus
elle émeut
il/ça émeut
on émeut
nous émouvons
vous émouvez
ils émeuvent
elles émeuvent
In context
- Le film m’émeut. …. The movie is touching me.
- Vous les émouvez. …. You touch them.
Three common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- émouvoir …. to touch, to move
- s’émouvoir …. to be touched
- mouvoir …. to move
Verbs like DEVOIR — Note that the NOUS and VOUS forms are different from the rest of the conjugation:
je dois
tu dois
elle doit
il/ça doit
on doit
nous devons
vous devez
ils doivent
elles doivent
In context
- On doit manger. …. We have to eat.
- Vous devez de l’argent à qui ? …. To whom do you owe money?
Two common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- devoir …. to have to, to owe
- redevoir …. to have to again, to owe again
Verbs like RECEVOIR — Note that the NOUS and VOUS forms are different from the rest of the conjugation:
je reçois
tu reçois
elle reçoit
il/ça reçoit
on reçoit
nous recevons
vous recevez
ils reçoivent
elles reçoivent
In context
- On reçoit un paquet . …. We are getting a package.
- Vous recevez de l’argent ? …. Do you get money?
Three common verbs in this category for you to remember:
- recevoir …. to receive, to get
- apercevoir …. to spot, to notice, to perceive
- décevoir …. to disappoint, to deceive
Practice - Exercice
Easier - Plus facile
Translate the sentences from one column to another.
Traduisez les phrases d’une colonne à une autre.
- Ça ne le retient pas.
- Elle ouvre la porte du château.
- Elles sortent tout à l’heure.
- Elles souffrent du mal du pays.
- Elles tiennent la chaise.
- Il la hait.
- Il ne meurt pas à la fin.
- Il obéit au chef.
- Il part demain à Bordeaux.
- Ils ne la haïssent pas.
- Ils ne parcourent pas le texte.
- Ils parcourent le texte.
- Ils réfléchissent à l’offre.
- Ils viennent diner dimanche.
- J’appartiens à ce club.
- Je finis le gâteau.
- Je ne me sers pas d’un stylo plume.
- Le film m’émeut.
- Nous choisissons un hôtel dans le 6ième arrondissement.
- Nous fuyons toujours.
- Nous maintenons la maison.
- Nous mourons de faim.
- Nous offrons toujours un cadeau.
- On acquiert toujours des antiquités.
- On court toujours.
- On dort toujours bien ici.
- On fuit toujours.
- On ne cueille pas de fleurs.
- On ne doit pas manger.
- On reçoit un paquet.
- On veut toujours voir la montagne.
- On voit toujours la montagne.
- Pouvons-nous y aller ?
- Tu sers à manger quand ?
- Vous devez de l’argent à qui ?
- Vous les émouvez.
- Vous recevez de l’argent ?
- Vous secourez qui dans votre assoce ?
- Vous voulez qui ?
- Vous voyez qui dans votre assoce ?
- It doesn’t keep him back.
- She opens the castle door.
- They are going out soon.
- They are homesick.
- They are holding the chair.
- He hates her.
- It doesn’t die at the end.
- He follows the chef’s orders.
- He leaves for Bordeaux tomorrow.
- They don’t hate her.
- They aren’t going over the text.
- They go over the text.
- They are thinking about the offer.
- They are coming for dinner tonight.
- I belong to that club.
- I am finishing the cake.
- I don’t use a fountain pen.
- The movie is touching me.
- We are choosing a hotel in the 6th arrondissement.
- We are always fleeing.
- We’re maintaining the house.
- We are dying of hunger.
- We always offer a present.
- We are always acquiring antiques.
- We are running all the time.
- We always sleep well here.
- We are always fleeing. [spoken French]
- We aren’t picking flowers.
- We must not eat.
- We are getting a package.
- We always want to see the mountain.
- We always see the mountain.
- Can we go?
- When are you serving dinner/lunch?
- To whom do you owe money?
- You touch them.
- Do you get money?
- Who do you assist in your organization?
- Who do you want?
- Who do you see in your organization?
More challenging - Plus difficile
Translate the sentences from English to French.
Traduisez les phrases de l’anglais vers le français.
- She opens the castle door.
- They are going out soon.
- It doesn’t die at the end.
- He leaves for Bordeaux tomorrow.
- They go over the text.
- They are thinking about the offer.
- They are coming for dinner tonight.
- I belong to that club.
- I am finishing the cake.
- We are choosing a hotel in the 6th arrondissement.
- We always offer a present.
- We are always acquiring antiques.
- We are running all the time.
- We always sleep well here.
- We must not eat.
- When are you serving dinner/lunch?
- To whom do you owe money?
- Do you get money?
- Who do you want?
- Who do you see in your organization?
- Elle ouvre la porte du château.
- Elles sortent tout à l’heure.
- Il ne meurt pas à la fin.
- Il part demain à Bordeaux.
- Ils parcourent le texte.
- Ils réfléchissent à l’offre.
- Ils viennent diner dimanche.
- J’appartiens à ce club.
- Je finis le gâteau.
- Nous choisissons un hôtel dans le 6ième arrondissement.
- Nous offrons toujours un cadeau.
- On acquiert toujours des antiquités.
- On court toujours.
- On dort toujours bien ici.
- On ne doit pas manger.
- Tu sers à manger quand ?
- Vous devez de l’argent à qui ?
- Vous recevez de l’argent ?
- Vous voulez qui ?
- Vous voyez qui dans votre assoce ?
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